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Michael Chekhov: The Actor is the Theatre is a digital exhibition featuring an archive of approximately 3,600 typewritten pages documenting Michael Chekhov’s work with the Chekhov Theatre Studio between 1936 and 1942. Deirdre Hurst du Prey, a member of the Studio, recorded and compiled notes on Chekhov’s workshops and rehearsals. The materials were donated in 2002 by Deirdre Hurst du Prey to the Leddy Library Archives and Special Collections at the University of Windsor. 


The Michael Chekhov Community Performs the Archive is an initiative of MICHA, the Michael Chekhov Association and the University of Windsor. It invites collaboration between the international Chekhov community and Deirdre Hurst du Prey’s archive, “Michael Chekhov: the Actor is the Theatre” , a digital exhibition featuring approximately 3,600 typewritten pages documenting Chekhov’s work between 1936-1942. Throughout 2021 MICHA will release short films highlighting the archive and featuring Chekhov artists from around the world.

Project Ideation: Jessica Cerullo, MICHA Artistic Director

University of Windsor Librarians: Brian Owens and Peter Zimmerman

Project Editing: Aruna Bhalla

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